Skip UAC Prompt v1.0

skip uac promp
Running an app at system startup is easy; you can add it to the Startup folder on Windows. These apps run with normal user privileges and that’s fine in almost every case but Windows doesn’t allow elevated tasks at startup that is why you can’t just auto run programs with administrative privileges at startup. When running tasks or commands as administrator, Windows will throw a UAC (User Account Control) prompt that you’ll have to confirm if you want the task to run.

You can create an elevated shortcut for the program that will allow you to bypass UAC Prompt and run the program without seeing the UAC Prompt in Windows by using Task Scheduler this requires many steps. For this reason, we have coded the application called Skip UAC prompt. This utility also allows you to enable or disable UAC for the apps of your choosing without entirely deactivating UAC systemwide.

How to use Skip UAC Prompt

1. Extract the zip file from the download link and double click the exe file suitable for your system, then you can drag n’ drop a program or shortcut to the Application interface, you can also use the first button (Add File) for the same operation.

skip uac prompt main

The relevant software or scripts , were set to start at system startup without an UAC warning. Uncheck the boxes from software that you do not want to start automatically at system startup.

Uncheck to stop Autostart

You can also create a shortcut to run an Application without UAC warning. To undo this, simply use the “Delete Selected” button. There are a few customization options available under the Options menu ; always on top, Use Classical Icons and Warn before deleting.

Create a shortcut to the Escape UAC command prompt.

You can use the File Import List / Export List feature to import a backup file, or you can drag and drop the backup file directly onto the interface. To delete all items in the interface at the same time, right click on an empty space and select Delete all.

skip uac prompt delete all

This Portable and free Software also has Cmd parameter support, to see the commands it supports, Open Cmd where the exe is located and run the SkipUAC_x64.exe /? command. Please make sure you use the program as a user with administrator rights.

Skip Uac Prompt Cmd support

Your wishes and suggestions for improving the software are welcome.

Supported operating systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista

Supported languages: English

Eula license for our freware

File: SkipUAC_x64.exeVirustotal
MD5: 815252c499826ae52631f475afbc7c01
SHA1: fa8290798222d2a554e0a4a5b48b1787da567005

File: SkipUAC.exeVirustotal
MD5: 399d00fa162836a739126b819b273432
SHA1: df744550f4007c58eee269c8863a9950e45d883f

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