


Wi-Fi Filter Tool
Computers with Windows will show you a list of available WiFi networks in your surrounding , If you have a lot of wireless access points within your area, then you could have a lot of SSIDs (network names) in your available wireless networks list, to find the target Wi-Fi network you need to take some time . You may also want to block users from connecting some specific WLAN SSIDs, to ensure that corporate devices within corporate premises are only using the corporate network.

you can remove one or all of them from your list of Network Profiles or available networks. Windows doesn’t allow you to hide Wi-Fi networks Windows via a graphical user interface. You are required to run a few commands on Administrator Command Prompt.

1. Whitelist Only Wi-Fi Connections You Want
netsh wlan add filter permission=allow ssid=”WIFI NAME” networktype=infrastructure

2. Blacklist Nearby Wi-Fi Connections From Your List of Networks
netsh wlan add filter permission=block ssid=”WIFI NAME” networktype=infrastructure

There are many more commands you can use but if you are not an advanced windows user, this method will be complicated for you therefore we have coded a potable freeware to simplify all these processes.

Wi-Fi Filter Tool v1.1(Thursday, February 29th, 2024)

1. [ FIXED ] – Spaces at beginning and end of wireless network name cause error.
2. [ FIXED ] – A small Translation error.
3. [ ADDED ] – Ability to sort the list by pressing on the columns header in the list.
4. [ ADDED ] – Switching to white listed will add the previously used wireless network.
5. [ ADDED ] – The interface has been slightly enlarged.
6. [ ADDED ] – Some code Improvements.

How to use Wi-Fi Filter Tool

Download Wi-Fi Filter Tool , unzip it then double click and run the appropriate version (x64 or x86). The software gives you two options :

You can either Type the name of the Wi-Fi SSID in the space at the top or select it from the drop-down list and use the plus sign button to block it. The drop-down list in the software interface is only active when you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Wi-Fi Filter tool GUI

This will remove the blocked SSID from the list.

wifi list

2. If you want to block too many networks in the list, use whitelist mode. When you click to select the Enable white list check box, the last wireless network you connected to is automatically added to the list, so your Internet is not interrupted. By checking the Whitelist box , only the networks listed in the software interface will be visible in the WiFi list.

Wi-Fi Filter tool Whitelist Mode

A clean list with no neighbouring wireless networks is shown in the image below.

Wi-Fi List cleaned

To avoid reorganising the list each time, use “Save your settings” from the File menu. To restore the saved list, you can use the “Restore your settings” function under the “File” menu.

Wi-Fi Filter tool save your settings

Other features such as restarting the Wi-Fi service are also available in the software File menu.

Supported languages : English ,Turkish , German , French , Bulgarian , Polish , Dutch (Nederlands) , Russian , Korean , Português (Brasil) , Spanish , Italian , Lithuaninan , Chinese (Simplified) , Japanese

Supported Operating Systems : Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7, Windows Vista (32 64-bit).

Eula license for our freware

File: WifiFilter_x64.exeVirustotal
MD5: 9857f0049796457b4b059d09c4ded371
SHA1: 52426eeab316228517b0200e8789ceb171c7a373

File: WifiFilter.exeVirustotal
MD5: 120838c6a7e0fcbbbbeb77551ea7259a
SHA1: ae715c5259c2ba9614ad64839caf608fcf7dfb06

Download Wi-Fi Filter Tool

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Add store Apps to the context menu
The Microsoft Store app comes built into Windows and allows you to download and install dozens of apps and games. It’s possible to open any Microsoft Store app from Command Prompt , Run dialog box or PowerShell. You can also easily add any Microsoft Store application to the Windows Right Click (Context) Menu. But, to be able to do that, you need to know the app’s Package Family Name and App ID. A Package Family Name is an opaque string derived from only two parts of a package identity – name and publisher:
< Name >_< PublisherId >
For example, the Package Family Name of the Windows Photos app is :

Name :  Microsoft.Windows.Photos
Publisher ID : 8wekyb3d8bbwe

There are many ways to find your app’s unique Package Family Name and App User Model ID :

1. You can use a powershell script.

2. You can find the AUMID by using File Explorer.

3. You can use the registry to find out the AUMID of an application that is installed for the current user.

See the related microsoft article for details on the above topics. But none of the above methods will give you the direct code for the execution of a store application. For this reason, we have coded a simple application called: Store Apps Tool.

What is New (Monday, September 11 2023)

1. [Fixed] – A small bug in the About screen
2. [Fixed] – The clipboard is not cleared if there is no location in the listed items
3. [Fixed] – When add a listed Item to the context menu, The settings window jumps to 2. Item
4. [Added] – Store Apps icons have been added

How to use Store Apps Tool

1. Download the software from the link at the end of the page and run the exe file that matches the architecture of your operating system.

2. For example, let’s run the Windows Alarm & Clock application with the command, right click on the “Alarm & Clock” in the software interface and click on “Copy Command“, that’s all.

Store Apps tool copy command feature

Where to use the execution codes of the Microsoft Store

You can use the following code, which has been copied to your clipboard , in different ways.
Explorer.exe “Shell:AppsfolderMicrosoft.WindowsAlarms_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App”

1. You can use this code in the Run dialog box or in the Cmd and Powershell console to launch the appropriate Store application.

2. You can use this code to create a shortcut that automatically launches the Microsoft Store application when the system starts.

3. The code can also be used to add the app to your right click (context) menu.

4. With the help of scheduled tasks, related code can be executed at specific times of the day.

5. You can use the code inside a script too.

Run store Apps from Cmd or Powershell console

How to add a Store app to your desktop context menu

There are two different ways to do this ;

1. To make multiple selections from the list in the software interface, press Ctrl on your keyboard and select the Store apps you want to add to your desktop context menu, then right click on one of them and choose Add to desktop Context menu.

Add Store Apps to your desktop context menu

2. You can use the Desktop Context Menu Options button (3rd) at the top of the software.

a) Select Item Name in the context menu and click Install button.

b) You can change Main or Sub context menu Icon.

In the Options menu, you can click on “Save your settings“. This will save all the settings you have made.

Store Apps tool save settings feature

You can restore your saved settings by selecting “Load your settings” from the same menu.

Store Apps in the context menu

Functions of the software interface buttons

The first button on the interface opens the “Applications” folder, which is the folder containing the Microsoft store applications. The second button will open the Microsoft Store app and the third button  Opens the “Desktop Context Menu Options” Window. fourth button will refresh the list. The last button is the “Info” button.

Please , make sure that the “Add explorer.exe to command” option in the Options menu is selected so that the copied code will work properly in the cmd and powershell consoles.

Add Explorer to commands

If you right click on any store app in the list, you can create an application shortcut using the “Create Shortcut” menu, or you can choose to create a bat or vbscript file .

Run store Apps with script

Store Apps Tool is a Portable Freeware Application. To uninstall the software, simply right click and choose delete.

Supported operating systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8

Supported languages: English , Turkish , German , Portuguese (Brazil) , Korean , French , Russian , Persian

Eula license for our freware

File: StoreAT_x64.exeVirustotal
MD5: 81e3e5c0adf99f88ba829afbbb0e0ed7
SHA1: 80b5a5a1c39c21c14dd0b84aed1cb0dcf43aeacb

File: StoreAT.exeVirustotal
MD5: 35f53460e57313bab00136208553baac
SHA1: c48aba9189e75de2a42cbc64a3b8b7e0c5afe9cf

Download Store Apps Tool

Source link

Disable Mouse wheel zooming
All browsers have zoom feature and it lets you enlarge or reduce the view of a webpage. Unlike changing font size, zoom enlarges or reduces everything on the page, including text and images. To use the zoom feature, hold down the CTRL key, and then scroll the Mouse wheel to zoom in or out. This is a very usefull function but sometimes can Annoy people if they accidentally triggering ctrl-wheel or touchpad-two-finger far more often than do intentionally. This behavior can be extremely irritating if it’s happening constantly. All modern Browsers like Microsoft EDGE , Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera , safari … have Zoom funciton.

Even if there are several add-ons to overcome this problem, it will not work for those who use multiple browsers or those who want to turn off the zoom feature in Microsoft Ofis (exel, word …) or Notepad ++ etc. For this reason we have coded a small portable freeware utility “No Mouse wheel Zoom”

What is new: (Wednesday, 19 October 2022)

[FIXED] – Block in All Windows setting was not saved in MWNoZoom.ini file.
[ADDED] – Block Mouse Wheel option (If this feature is not selected, Left ctrl + mouse wheel will scroll the page without zooming)
[ADDED] – Open The properties with Left Mouse click.

Avoid triggering undesired zooming with “No Mose Wheel Zoom”

1. Download and unzip “No Mose Wheel Zoom” , it is a portable freeware utility, then use Appropriate version (x64 or x86). It has no GUI.

2. It will quietly start running in the background. To access its settings right click on the icon next to the operating system clock.

No mouse wheel zoom icon

No Mose Wheel Zoom has a few simple features ;

1. Pause No Mouse Wheel Zoom (MWNoZoom)
2. Block in all windows
3. Autostart on windows startup

If you add the class name to the “MWNoZoom.ini” file, the Ctrl + Mouse wheel zoom feature will be blocked for the related software. Block in all Windows feature will help you in cases where the software blocking methode seems not working.

MWNoZoom.ini file

From the keyboard you can increase or decrease the zoom value with pressing CTRL+PLUS SIGN (+) or CTRL+MINUS SIGN (-). If you want to reset the zoom level to 100%, press CTRL+0.

Note: “No Mouse Wheel Zoom” may not work properly in programs running with administrator privileges. If the program is not working properly, please run it with administrator privilege.

Supported languages: English
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows Xp (32 and 64-bit).

Eula license for our freware

File: MWNoZoom_x64.exeVirustotal
MD5: 14f1a62e7b244223a73eee5835dc2ecc
SHA1: 6cae5606a7b2916691783284652ff24fd4e4e0bc

File: MWNoZoom.exeVirustotal
MD5: a5a0c79d235c15a337bb270ed820b213
SHA1: e9a77177c382a6dbda81dc7ca10f9a95be8123b3


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URL Disabler
Users with unrestricted Internet access find themselves constantly battling malware infections and at risk of information leakage. Downloading copyrighted material from the company’s network can expose the company to legal action. By blocking some websites greatly reduce this risk and protects accidental browsing of mature, explicit and sensitive sites. It can also help conserve bandwidth for mission critical applications, and keep those charges down.Restricting access to specific URLs may also improve productivity and help staying focused , this point is especially important for children who need to study.

Blocked Page

Using software to block websites in order to control Internet access can be beneficial especially to businesses , schools that want to comply with child protection legislation and publicly accessible WiFi services that want to provide a family-friendly browsing environment and Home users.

What is New (Friday, 29 April 2022)

1. [ FIXED ] – White List mode Doesn’t work in Google Chrome version 101 and later.
2. [ ADDED ] – Don’t show this dialog again check box has been added
3. [ ADDED ] – Some code improvements

What is URL Disabler and how to use it

URL Disabler is a Portable (it requires no installation) and freeware to simplify the URL blocking process for Google Chrome , Firefox and Chromium EDGE users. The user can freely provide, modify, export and import the list of URLs to be blocked.

1. After download and Unzip it, please run Appropriate exe file (x64 or x86) then Type the URL of the web page you want to block into the URL field (1) and use plus button (Add to list) (2)

URL disabler Block URL

2. Finally use green tick (Aply changes) button (3) for the settings to take effect. Easily block any distracting or harmful website. You can disable Blocking or switch to the white list Mode with the eye icon in the bottom right corner

url disabler blocking option

Whitelist URLs to set exceptions for websites you would like to allow. You can choose the browser which the ban will be apply from the menu under options, by default all supported browsers are selected. Under the same menu you can use Password Properties to set the Password for the Application.

Url Disabler Password options

Under Examples menu; facebook.com, twitter.com, youtube.com URLs are given as examples. The export and import options are under the file menu, so you can easily reuse the list you created and backed up once.

URL disabler import export feature

URL Disabler doesn’t use%SystemRoot%System32driversetchostsfile method therefore resetting the Hosts file does not affect the blocking Rules. If you want to use hosts file Method for blocking web pages please try our “BlueLife Hosts Editor” software.

Note: If restarting browser does not apply the blocking Rules please log off and log in again (Very rare)

Supported languages: English, Turkish , German , French , Italian , Spanish , Russian , Hungarian , Hebrew , Polish , Japanese , Greek , Dutch (Nederlands), Vietnamese, Persian , Portuguese (Brasil) , Thai , Romanian , Chinese , Arabic

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7

Supported Browsers: Google Chrome , Firefox, Chromium EDGE

Eula license for our freware

File: UrlDisabler_x64.exeVirustotal
MD5: aa6fbcf21241fd1cbd0d702bd40c75ce
SHA1: 70312f219a8bc59ccb5ecefb843d250ce198996e

File: UrlDisabler.exeVirustotal
MD5: d0d422d83ab1d63edd4acdcdba0ad91e
SHA1: b36bccb6a6fb0058602d530fc5f77077490694e9

Download URL Disabler

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Safe Mode Launcher
Safe mode is a boot option in which the operating system starts in diagnostic mode rather than in normal operating mode. It can be used when there is a system-critical problem that interferes with the normal operation of Windows. For example , Removing stubborn and difficult to uninstall software or faulty drivers, and deleting malware are just a few of the things that often require Safe Mode to be use. In safe Mode, Windows uses a generic VGA display driver instead of the vendor-specific driver, which means you will likely be working with only 16 colors in a low resolution.

There are several ways to start Windows in Safe Mode, depending on the version of Windows you’re running. The normal way for anybody to boot in to the Windows Safe mode is to repeatedly press the “F8” key as the operating system boots, just after the BIOS or manufacturer’s splash screen but , booting safe mode with F8 key is Not Working In Windows 10 because F8 boot menu was removed in order to improve system boot time. You can Enable F8 start key again with “Safe Mode Launcher” Please note that : different computer brands do Not use f8 in the same way, for example hp laptop has “helps” that make safe mode nearly impossible to find; Toshiba uses f12 …

What is New (Sunday, 2 January 2022)

1. [ ADDED ] – Shows/Hide the boot menu at system startup (Cmd parameter)
2. [ ADDED ] – Enable/Disable the F8 keyboard shortcut at system startup (Cmd parameter)
3. [ ADDED ] – Recovery Settings (Under the menu, Opens recovery options in Win10 and Win11)
4. [ ADDED ] – Run in Safe Mode (in safe mode, it runs the marked program or files)
5. [ ADDED ] – Boot Once in Safe Mode (it will switch to normal mode on the next boot)
6. [ ADDED ] – Some code improvemen
7. [ FIXED ] – On Multiboot systems it Doesn’t work properly outside the main system.

The easy way to boot into safe mode

Safe Mode Launcher is a Portable freeware Application which provides you a Windows GUI for the Safe Mode options. Download and unzip it and Click the Appropriate exe file (x64 or x86)

Safe Mode Launcher GUI

To Start your PC in safe mode , select one of the options in the interface and Use Apply Options Button. If it doesn’t ask to start in safe mode use “Restart Windows” Option under the Menu button. Safe Mode Launcher has a few usefull feature ; If you enter the Safe mode through the software and restart the System,Windows switches to normal mode automatically. This option will save you from getting stuck in safe mode. Additionally You can activate the hidden Administrator account with one click (Under the Menu).You can switch between Graphical Boot Menu and Classic Boot menu Options with Choosing “Enable F8 Startup key (Classic Boot Menu)” Option.

Safe Mode Launcher Menu

Windows Installer (MSI) service doesn’t work by default in Windows Safe Mode. This can be very annoying because you may have installed an app in normal mode which later prevents the OS from starting and can’t be removed in safe mode. If you try to uninstall an app which was installed from an MSI package in safe mode, you will get the following error:

The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.

Windows Installer Errror

Safe Mode Launcher , solve this Problem and enable Windows Installer in Safe Mode. You can Add other services which you want to start automatically in safe mode to “SafeMode.ini” file

Safe Mode Launcher ini file

Safe Mode Launcher has Cmd Parameter support , if you want to see all Awailable Parameters click “Command Line Info” under the “Menu” button

Safe Mode Launcher cmd parameters

Microsoft accounts in Windows 11 and Windows 10 require a password which without Password may NOT allow login from Safe Mode! . To start windows on Safe mode without any Program , Restart Windows 8 or 10 by holding the Shift key down while you click the “Restart” button.

Supported languages: English, Turkish , German , Hebrew , Korean , French , Greek , Japanese , Russian , Persian , Portuguese (Brasil) , Polish , Dutch (Nederlands) , Hungarian , Italian , Bulgarian , Spanish , Romanian , Thai , Chinese Simplified , Czech

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista (32 and 64-bit).

Eula license for our freware

File: SafeMode_x64.exeVirustotal
MD5: 246be8d41a3e79666f4d2091f09336c7
SHA1: d5e4b22d96551c7a681206e0286b8819ebf51d40

File: SafeMode.exeVirustotal
MD5: 6937237dbe7fcceda39e03b10ea413c4
SHA1: 735cf28c6ff9cf353dce865f28fbd00b99dcf3cd

Download Safe Mode Launcher

Source link

Windows 11 Classic Context menu
The context (Right Click) menu in Windows 11 is redesigned and kept with limited entries when compared to old windows . It includes a row of icons for basic actions like copy, paste, and delete, but hides some functionality you might want behind a ‘Show More Options’ button this mean Every time we need to press an extra option to see all the context menu options. We will make a brief assessment of the cost to the world of the “show more” option that Microsoft added to the Windows 11 desktop context menu. Ergonomics is important because, Implementing ergonomic solutions can help trim operating expenses by reducing costs and improving productivity. Imagine a workplace where 10 people work, each computer user clicks on the desktop 100 times a day, each click wastes an extra 1 second.

10 x 100 = 1000 seconds (16,67 Minutes) a day Lost.
30 x 1000 = 30000 seconds ( 500 Minutes = 8,33 Hours) a Month Lost.

Even in a workplace with only 10 employees, it causes loss of 8.33 hours per month. Consider the waste of time in the workplace where 100 people work.

Windows 11 Classic Context Menu v1.1 – (Thursday, 11 November 2021)

[Added] – All user support (Choose Menu – Apply to all users)
[Added] – Language support
[Added] – Move the Taskbar to the Top (Under menu)
[Added] – Some code improvements

How to Get the Classic (old) Context Menu on Windows 11

Windows 11 new and Old (Classic) context menu

If you want to remove the “Show More Options” entry from Windows 11 Context Menu and restore classic Right Click menus in Windows 11 you can use following registry entries.

Restore full right click context menu in Windows 11 via Registry

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Get the default Windows 11 Context Menu back via Registry

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


After applying the above registry entries, you need to restart File explorer for the settings to take effect. Alternatively you can use Command Prompt to do the same task.

Restore Classic Context Menu on Windows 11 with Cmd

1. Open Cmd with Administrator privileges
2. Copy and paste the below Code and press enter

reg.exe add “HKCUSoftwareClassesCLSID{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}InprocServer32” /f 

Restore Default Context Menu on Windows 11 with Cmd

1. Open Cmd with Administrator privileges
2. Copy and paste the below Code and press enter

reg.exe delete “HKCUSoftwareClassesCLSID{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}” /f

NOTE: Restart the file explorer after the above steps.

If you are looking for a one click solution to Disable or Enable the New Context Menu in Windows 11 instead of dealing with registry entries you can use Win 11 Classic Context Menu v 1.0 Portable freeware Application. It has minimalistic interface Use first Button “Enable Win 11 Classic Context Menu Style” button to disable “Show More Options” from the Right Click Menu in Windows 11

Get the Classic (old) Context Menu on Windows 11

To disable the classic Context Menu in Windows 11 use second button “Enable Win 11 default Context Menu Style”, If you need to restart Windows explorer, software will detect it and warn you

Get the Default Context Menu on Windows 11

Windows 11 Classic Context menu has CMD parameter support. To see all the supported command line parameters , use the Menu – “Command Line Info” Button.

win11 classic context menu cmd parameters

With this Application you can easily toggle between Old Windows 10 Right Click Context Menu and default Windows 11 Context menu.

Supported operating systems: Windows 11

Supported languages: English ,Turkish , German , Russian , French

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File: W11ClassicMenu.exeVirustotal
MD5: a1acc40475a972122688e430ace3089c
SHA1: fed53ff8c3b7139b9efc5d039482f69f9490efd3
SHA256: ee6f84e10e025416cd32b8d2eb7182c2ac475ca4b03fc4bb8f57046fe41b9c31


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Send Windows key
The Windows logo key is a keyboard key which was originally introduced on the Microsoft Natural keyboard in 1994. This key became a standard key on PC keyboards. When pressed with no other key, the Windows key displays the Start menu/screen. When pressed in conjunction with another key, it provides shortcuts to several Windows functions. These shortcuts can speed up common tasks. For example, pressing the Windows key + E (press and hold the Windows key and then, while holding that key, press the “E” key, and then let go of both buttons) opens Windows Explorer.

SendKeys methode allows you to send keystrokes just as if you had manually typed them on the keyboard . For example ; if you trying to make a script that automatically opens a few applications and resizes them to the corners of your screen and you want to do that with the WinKey + Arrow Keys you can’t do it with batch , Vbs … usw.

Send Windows Key v1.1 – (Thursday, 11 November 2021)

[Added] – A different key (except windows key) can be send
[Added] – /Wait: parameter
[Added] – Some code Improvements

Oddly enough, Microsoft didn’t add a special code to the SendKeys method that would allow you to access the Windows key. Send Windows key is a very simple Portable freeware and helps to run the keyboard key combination which using with the windows key. Here are a short common list of Windows key shortcuts;

Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

You can find a larger list in this Microsoft Link or in the download file. If you double click the exe file , the software will open a list of example parameters

Send Windows key examples

For example if you want to use “Send Windows Key” in batch script , here is an example ;

@echo off
SendWKey.exe #R notepad.exe

The above code opens “Run dialog box” and write Notepad exe in it.You will find an example of  Vbscript in the downloaded file.

NOTE: Older windows versions may not support Some of the Windows Shortcut Keys
Wikipedia – Windows Key

Supported languages: English
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows Xp (32 and 64-bit).

Eula license for our freware

File: SendWKey_x64.exeVirustotal
MD5: c0a6f690558550a4aebf73457a2dff85
SHA1: 7d5489faccc9b9162a8012fea26b92c712d94f49

File: SendWKey.exeVirustotal
MD5: e50f39586bd8fe802004d2ff94357916
SHA1: c76d8a0885988dd3f5625ecf06405c86daeb0eec


Source link

Desktop.ini editor
The desktop.ini file is a hidden Windows operating system configuration settings file located in every folder and used to store information about the arrangement of a Windows folder. Essentially, if the layout or settings for a folder are changed, a desktop.ini file is automatically generated to save those changes. When you create a new folder in Windows it is created with the standard folder icon, one common use of the desktop.ini file is to use to it set a custom icon for a folder, however this is not the only thing that it is used for. The desktop.ini file can contain alot of attributes but the following custom attributes are the most common:

ConfirmFileOp : Set this entry to 0 to avoid a “You Are Deleting a System Folder” warning when deleting or moving the folder.

IconFile : If you want to specify a custom icon for the folder, set this entry to the icon’s file name. The .ico file extension is preferred, but it is also possible to specify .bmp files, or .exe and .dll files that contain icons.

IconIndex : Set this entry to specify the index for a custom icon. If the file assigned to IconFile only contains a single icon, set IconIndex to 0.

InfoTip : Set this entry to an informational text string. It is displayed as an infotip when the cursor hovers over the folder. If the user clicks the folder, the information text is displayed in the folder’s information block, below the standard information.
Click for more Desktop.ini Commands

What is New (Monday, September 27, 2021)

[Added] – Encode selection under the File menu
[Fixed] – The font in the interface is too small
[Added] – Option to add CLSID to ini File
[Added] – Some code Improvements

How to use Desktop.ini Editor

Desktop.ini editör is a portable freeware to simplify the Desktop.ini operations , it can help you to edit desktop.ini files and set custom folder icons , Folder Info Tips , adding CLSID , reset folder settings to default usw. If Windows determine to ignore any changes to desktop.ini file use “Desktop.ini Editor”

Desktop.ini editor drag and drop function

It has a minimalist GUI. Drag & Drop any folder to edit Desktop.ini file you can also use the “Select Folder” button . Under “Attribute Examples” Button you will find many features you can also edit desktop.ini file manually

Desktop.ini Attributes

To Apply your custom settings use the “Apply Changes” button after that if you not see any changes please use the “Rebuild Shell Icon cache” Option under the File menu

Rebuild shell icon cache

Desktop.ini Editor also offers CMD support.

desktop.ini supported cmd parameters

NOTE: If the process fails, try running the program as administrator.

Supported operating systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows Xp – (x86 & x64)

Eula license for our frewareVirus total clean report

File: DeskEdit.exe
MD5 : 7384a91e24ac2ff3917cead6c7aded02
SHA1: 7c9e66dcb9f315c9564a560f7b3e235b185f2448
SHA-256: 1b4a4e1d4ee9fc605e5dec31f0cfb592d6696c1317e74c8fc675a498d266f33a


Source link

Desktop.ini editor
The desktop.ini file is a hidden Windows operating system configuration settings file located in every folder and used to store information about the arrangement of a Windows folder. Essentially, if the layout or settings for a folder are changed, a desktop.ini file is automatically generated to save those changes. When you create a new folder in Windows it is created with the standard folder icon, one common use of the desktop.ini file is to use to it set a custom icon for a folder, however this is not the only thing that it is used for. The desktop.ini file can contain alot of attributes but the following custom attributes are the most common:

ConfirmFileOp : Set this entry to 0 to avoid a “You Are Deleting a System Folder” warning when deleting or moving the folder.

IconFile : If you want to specify a custom icon for the folder, set this entry to the icon’s file name. The .ico file extension is preferred, but it is also possible to specify .bmp files, or .exe and .dll files that contain icons.

IconIndex : Set this entry to specify the index for a custom icon. If the file assigned to IconFile only contains a single icon, set IconIndex to 0.

InfoTip : Set this entry to an informational text string. It is displayed as an infotip when the cursor hovers over the folder. If the user clicks the folder, the information text is displayed in the folder’s information block, below the standard information.
Click for more Desktop.ini Commands

What is New (Monday, September 27, 2021)

[Added] – Encode selection under the File menu
[Fixed] – The font in the interface is too small
[Added] – Option to add CLSID to ini File
[Added] – Some code Improvements

How to use Desktop.ini Editor

Desktop.ini editör is a portable freeware to simplify the Desktop.ini operations , it can help you to edit desktop.ini files and set custom folder icons , Folder Info Tips , adding CLSID , reset folder settings to default usw. If Windows determine to ignore any changes to desktop.ini file use “Desktop.ini Editor”

Desktop.ini editor drag and drop function

It has a minimalist GUI. Drag & Drop any folder to edit Desktop.ini file you can also use the “Select Folder” button . Under “Attribute Examples” Button you will find many features you can also edit desktop.ini file manually

Desktop.ini Attributes

To Apply your custom settings use the “Apply Changes” button after that if you not see any changes please use the “Rebuild Shell Icon cache” Option under the File menu

Rebuild shell icon cache

Desktop.ini Editor also offers CMD support.

desktop.ini supported cmd parameters

NOTE: If the process fails, try running the program as administrator.

Supported operating systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows Xp – (x86 & x64)

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File: DeskEdit.exe
MD5 : 7384a91e24ac2ff3917cead6c7aded02
SHA1: 7c9e66dcb9f315c9564a560f7b3e235b185f2448
SHA-256: 1b4a4e1d4ee9fc605e5dec31f0cfb592d6696c1317e74c8fc675a498d266f33a


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Network Profile Name Changer
When you connect to a network for the first time, Windows automatically creates a network profile and assigns generic names like Network 1, Network 2, etc. (Ethernet or wired connection) finally stores it on your computer as a known network. A wireless network profile will use the SSID of the wireless network (ex: router) . Some users and administrators may dislike the non-descriptive network connections names and want to rename , delete or clear redundant network profiles (names). After Windows 7 , Microsoft removed Netork Profil rename option therefore you will not find any option whatsoever in the Settings app or Control Panel to change the network name. It is still possible to edit network profile names to make them more descriptive but the only effective way to Rename or remove the connections in Windows 11, Windows 10 and Windows 8 is by using the registry editor. (valid in all Windows versions)

What is New (Friday, 27 August 2021)

1.[ADDED] – Show All Network Profile Names feature
2.[ADDED] – Delete Network Profile Names feature
3.[ADDED] – Double click one of the Network Profile name on the list to rename it
7.[FIXED] – GUI is too small

How to Change the Active Network Profile Name

You can check the current name in the Network and Sharing Center on Windows , press the Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog, type one of the following commands and press Enter.

control.exe /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter
explorer.exe shell:::{8E908FC9-BECC-40f6-915B-F4CA0E70D03D}

The name of the network is displayed at the very top of the page.

Netowrk and sharing center

Windows Users have three main options to change a network name ;

1. Using Local Security Policy (It is only available in professional versions of Windows)
2. Using the Windows Registry
3. Using Network Profile Name Changer which is a Portable freeware

Delete / Rename Network Connections In Windows by using Registry

Go to the following key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionNetworkListProfiles
The Profiles folder will provide a list of all the network connections with a unique ID , Each network location is represented by a subfolder therefore you need to click on each to check the ProfileName until you find the network name that you want to change. To rename a network location, click on the corresponding subfolder and edit the key named ProfileName. Input the new name for the network location. You can also delete individual subfolders to remove Network connections.

Network profile name in registry

Using Network Profile Name Changer to Delete / Rename Network Connections

Registry way is not Straightforward for Novice Windows users , to simplify the whole Process you can use Network Profile Name Changer.

1. After download and unzipping , run the program , It will list all you Network Profiles
2. Choose one of the Network Profile then use Rename or Delete button

Network Profile Name Changer

You can also double click any of the listed Item to rename it.

Note: If you delete all Network profiles or if the profile you have edited, cannot be recognized by the system, turn off the adapter you connect to the internet and turn it on again, or disconnect and reconnect to the internet, the problem will be solved.

Supported operating systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 (x86 & x64)

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File: NetPnc.exeVirustotal
MD5: dbaa6ed07dea1c8fb8b09ca211ee7e97
SHA1: bfce568e5f0665f5d55498130cd0d96ffaee5151


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