Tetzle is a jigsaw puzzle game that uses Tetris tetrominoes for the pieces. Any image can be imported and used to create puzzles with a wide range of sizes. Games are saved automatically, and you can select between currently in progress games.
Tetzle is a jigsaw puzzle game that uses Tetris tetrominoes for the pieces. Any image can be imported and used to create puzzles with a wide range of sizes. Games are saved automatically, and you can select between currently in progress games.
BowPad is a small and fast text editor with a ribbon user interface and syntax highlighting for over 100 file types and languages. The program’s feature set is extendable with plugins written in jscript or vbscript.
TheAeroClock is a simple but at the same time beautiful desktop clock with alpha transparency. Basic functions include transparency, size, setting and selection of the clock texture or appearance are available.
CpuFrequenz is a small tool to accurately identify the CPU frequency. The program can identify whether the system is running slow due to a processor ceiling or other reasons.
BrowserAddonsView displays the details addons/plugins installed in your system for Firefox, Internet Explorer/Edge and Chrome. If there are multiple profiles (for Firefox and Chrome), the program can detect and scan them all.
LocalSend is an open-source program that lets you easily share files with other devices safely and quickly within the local network without involving any external servers. It is cross-platform and works with Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
GetWindowText lets you grab text from static system messages via drag-and-drop. The program lets you work with most windows containing text including Edit, Static, Groupbox – Controls etc.
12-Ants or more for your desktop. Itching is not excluded. Watching the little rascals and have fun.
FolderChangesView monitors the folder, disk drive, or even remote network share to see every file that is being modified, created, or deleted. Requires read permissions to the selected drive/folder.