OpenCloseDriveEject lets you easily explore and eject storage devices by their drive letters, presenting everything under one roof in a simple user interface. This includes USB, CD, DVD, Blue-Ray drives, external HDD and SSD, SD cards, etc.
OpenCloseDriveEject lets you easily explore and eject storage devices by their drive letters, presenting everything under one roof in a simple user interface. This includes USB, CD, DVD, Blue-Ray drives, external HDD and SSD, SD cards, etc.
PointerStick modifies the mouse arrow to appear as a virtual pointer stick. This is helpful for presentations to highlight content and the size, shape and other details of the pointer can be customized.
OnlyStopWatch is a simple time monitor that includes a stop-watch and countdown timer. The program can display the hour and milliseconds and several background options are available.
LocalSend is an open-source program that lets you easily share files with other devices safely and quickly within the local network without involving any external servers. It is cross-platform and works with Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
CHK is simple checksum program that can verify downloaded files from the Internet, hash your files to ensure integrity and help detect duplicates. Supports drag-and-drop and most popular hash protocols including CRC-16/32/64, ED2K, MD4/5, SHA-1/256/512/3, BLAKE2sp/b, BLAKE3 etc.
WinScan2PDF is a very small program for scanning documents and saving them on your computer as a PDF by using any installed scanner.
EmEditor is a tabbed text editor with themes, syntax highlighting, stay-on-top and customizable keyboard mapping. The program supports batch find-and-replace, regular expressions and more.
CHK is simple checksum program that can verify downloaded files from the Internet, hash your files to ensure integrity and help detect duplicates. Supports drag-and-drop and most popular hash protocols including CRC-16/32/64, ED2K, MD4/5, SHA-1/256/512/3, BLAKE2sp/b, BLAKE3 etc.