Registry Finder – The Portable Freeware Collection

Registry Finder is an improved replacement for the built-in Windows registry editor. It has many features that makes working with registry more productive, comfortable and safe, including:

  • Cut/Copy/Paste keys and/or values.
  • Undo and redo registry modifications (except changing permissions).
  • Multiple local and remote registry windows.
  • Fast, non blocking search.
  • Whole search results are displayed in a list.
  • Multiple search results window.
  • Ability to search within previous search results narrowing down your search scope.
  • Ability to search for hidden keys.

All found items are displayed in a separate window as a list. You can jump to any found item in the Registry window or edit/delete items right in the Find Results window. Items in the Find Results window can be saved to file in .reg or .txt format.

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