Fiz a categoria “Reviews” não apenas para produtos ou softwares, mas também para lojas e clientes. Isso mesmo, que tal um review de uma loja, por exemplo, de…
KeyNote NF is a tabbed notebook that is particularly suitable for writing and organizing free-form information, especially those that fit naturally within a tree-based structure, such as…
SQLiteStudio is desktop application to create, edit, and browse SQLite databases. Some of its features are: Encryption Scripting with JavaScript, Python, and Tcl Importing/exporting for various formats…
Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, very high level dynamic data types, and classes. It has interfaces to many…
Imagine is a lightweight, fast and easy to use image viewer with basic graphics and animation edit features. Also includes screen capture, thumbnail browser, slideshow and metadata…
RegCool is an advanced registry editor. It provides the complete functionality of Windows’ own Regedit and has many powerful features that allow you to work faster and…